
Kon boot 2.8
Kon boot 2.8

  1. KON BOOT 2.8 HOW TO
  2. KON BOOT 2.8 .EXE

Changelog: 04/25/12 - Version Added Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and Lubuntu 12.0 4 entries.


Many textbook and online resources were also used over the past several years to help me understand how to put everything together. Reminances of Tazusb may even still reside i n the UUI script.


exe for Slitaz Cedrics Tazusb installer helped me quickly understand how NSIS works and how it could be applied to this situation. The individual USB installers were originally based on Cedric Tissieres's Tazusb.

kon boot 2.8

To replace my tutorials and batch installer scripts, I initially created individ ual USB Installers that could be used to put a specific Live Linux Distro on USB. nsi script) NSIS is the easiest method I could find to automate the creation process, aside from batch installers which we have moved away from. Peter Anvin (unmodified bin ary used) * DD for Windows dd.exe John Newbigin (unmodifi ed binary used) * mke2fs.exe Matt WU (unmodified binary used) * 7-Zip is 1991-2012 Igor Pavlovis (unmodified binaries were used) * Fat32format.exe Tom Thornhill Ridgecorp Consultants op.uk (unmodified binary used) * NSIS Installer 1995-2012 Contributors (used to compile the. Formatting is done via the open source fat32format tool created by Tom Thornhill Credits Resources and Tools used: * Grub4DOS grldr the Gna! people (unmodifie d binary used) : Specific Grub4DOS link: * Syslinux 1994-2012 H.

kon boot 2.8

The casper persistent feature was created by Ubuntu and can in theory be used on any Ubuntu based remix. DD for Windows (dd.exe) and Mke2fs are used to make a casper-rw persistent file for storing changes. The co mpressed filesystem of the Live Linux distribution being placed on the device is not altered in any way. 7-zip is used to extract the files from the ISO or Zip to the USB device.

kon boot 2.8

How Universal USB Installer (UUI) WORKS: This tool utilizes Syslinux to make the drive bootable, and in some cases chainl oads to Grub4DOS and uses a corresponding menu.lst.


Universal USB Installer 2009-2012 Lance (offered und er GNU GPL License) - see Uni-USB-Installer-Copying Background of Universal USB Installer (UUI): Universal USB Installer is an easy to use installer script I wrote using NSIS (N ullsoft Scriptable Install System) to automate the creation of a bootable USB de vice containing the Live Linux Distribution of your choice.

Kon boot 2.8